Donate Food or Supplies
We rely on the support and donations from the community to provide nutritious, hot meals to our guests. We are limited in the quantity and quality of the food we accept in order to ensure food safety while serving more than 500 meals daily. We serve fresh fruits and vegetables every day with our lunches, so we are generally unable to accept canned food drive donations. If you would like to conduct a canned food drive, please contact our General Manager, Gabe Caruthers.
In addition to food, we appreciate other in-kind donations of supplies that we frequently use.
Food Donations
Not Accepting
- Produce, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, beans, and rice
- Fruits and vegetables from retail sources
- Fruits and vegetables grown in home or community gardens
- Meat and dairy products that are processed in a USDA approved facility
- Prepared meals, bakery items, and desserts that are made and processed in a commercial facility
- Bottled water or sports drinks
- Cooking oils and spices
- Sealed baby formula
- Pet food
- Expired or recalled food
- Packaged foods that have been opened or no longer have original labels
- Leftover foods from catered events
- Wild game or meat and dairy products that have not been raised or processed in a USDA approved facility
- Foods prepared in the home
Other In-Kind Donations
Not Accepting
- Three compartment to-go containers
- Plastic forks
- Napkins
- Plastic or paper grocery bags
- Nitrile gloves
- Printer paper
- Pens
- Bug spray
- Sunscreen
- Personal hygiene items (especially soap)
- Water bottles
- Catering equipment, including service utensils, sternos and chafers
- We will usually take most items – please email our General Manager, Gabe Caruthers, with any other in-kind items. If we are not able to accept items, we are happy to make introductions to other organizations that could use your items.